What to do in a mental health crisis

Disclaimer: Bionovi Mental Health is not a mental health crisis service. Services are not offered for crisis interventions. This is an Australian website. Contact information is Australian based. If you are outside Australia, please seek appropriate local resources.

1. Seek professional help

If you are in a mental health crisis, the first thing you should do is seek professional help. If you are in immediate physical threat to yourself, the best and only thing to do in extreme situations is to go to your local emergency department. Once the immediate crisis has subsided, seek ongoing professional help. This can be in the form of therapy, medication, or both. If you are not sure where to start, you can call your local mental health crisis line or speak to your doctor.

2. Reach out

It is also important to reach out to your support system during a mental health crisis. This can include friends, family, or a support group. These people can provide you with emotional support and practical assistance.

3. Avoid substances or taking any more

Avoid alcohol and drugs during a mental health crisis. Substance use can make the situation worse and can interfere with your life. Using any more if already intoxicated can be a significant life interfering behaviour. Try to stop and get rid of any further alcohol or drugs that could worsen things at the moment.

4. Avoid making big high impact decisions

Avoid making any major life decisions during a mental health crisis. This includes decisions such as changing jobs, ending a relationship, or driving and going anywhere expect to a hospital if necessary. These types of decisions should wait until you are feeling better.

5. Seek professional help

Seek professional help as soon as possible if you are having thoughts of harming yourself or others. These thoughts should be taken very seriously and professional help should be sought immediately.

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