Occupational Therapy


Self care



What is an occupational therapist?

Occupational therapy is an approach with an ultimate focus on improving clients well being. An occupational therapist might focus on physical rehabilitation, education, or psychological strategies. Our job could also include developing and delivering health related training in the community. Our treatment approach is often aimed at helping people develop skills, whether this is for physical well being and general health or psychological issues.

Occupational therapists seek to help people participate in everyday activities as a treatment approach in itself. We may assist and support a range of changes to enable daily activities. We usually work with clients in the community, residential care facilities or patients in a hospital to improve daily function and well being. We can also support and assist children cope with challenges with daily activities.

Occupational therapy is not new, but it has grown significantly in the past decade in Australia and elsewhere. Occupational therapists aim to achieve a health outcome by looking at the interaction between the client, the physical or social space itself and the occupation (what a person does).

Occupational therapists work with clients who have various mental and physical conditions that make it difficult for them to perform everyday tasks. We may be able to help by teaching new ways of doing things or adapting the environment so that the person can function more independently.

Since occupational therapy began, OTs worked in many settings, which is why it is such a broad health profession. OTs have always been working in mental health since the profession started internationally and also in Australia.

Physical rehabilitation

An occupational therapist is a health care professional who helps people build independence and improve their quality of life after an injury or illness. Occupational therapists work with patients to develop an individualised treatment plan that will help them achieve their goals.

Role of an OT in physical rehabilitation

The role may vary depending on the needs of the person, but generally, they focus on helping regain strength and mobility, improving their ability to perform daily activities, and reducing pain. An OT would also teach patients how to use adaptive equipment, such as canes or prosthetic devices, and make recommendations about home modifications that can improve safety and accessibility.

In addition, occupational therapist may provide support and counselling to patients and their families as they adjust to the changes in their lives brought about by illness or injury. By working collaboratively with other members of the rehabilitation team, occupational therapists help patients regain their independence and improve their quality of life.

Mental health occupational therapists

Mental health occupational therapists are part of a treatment team and we practice in a range of mental health settings. As health professionals, we usually work in mental health services. We often work with other qualified mental health professionals to help clients develop strategies. Training is often a big part of our approach to improve well being.

Occupational therapists approach mental health in a number of way. Mental health OTs apply occupational therapy strategies including sensory strategies and teaching socio emotional skills. Sometimes we work in pediatric services.

What is the role of a mental health OT?

Mental health occupational therapy is a broad concept and includes a number of different strategies. We play an important role in mental health. An OT can help people develop the skills they need to function in their daily lives. This can include things like cooking, cleaning, and getting dressed. An OT may also help people develop social skills and deal with stress. A mental health OT may work with people who have mental health conditions such as major depressive disorder, anxiety, or schizophrenia. In public and private psych hospitals, mental health OTs would also have a role with discharge preparedness.

People with mental health problems often also have problems with physical well being. People understand that wellbeing and mental health are related. Mental health occupational therapy would include developing skills, sensory strategies and offering a safe space to talk.

What are mental health issues?

Mental health issues vary a lot. People may experience difficulties with many aspects of mental health. The term mental health issue is general and non-specific to any particular clinical disorder.

What are some mental health conditions addressed by mental health occupational therapists?

Working in mental health, our aim is to help people feel safe and provide clients with services supporting engagement in daily activities. Engaging in the community, therapy may benefit a wide range of clients with different diagnoses.


Mental health OTs often work with worry. The occupational therapist could teach coping and problem-solving skills to deal with the symptoms. The therapist may also work with the patient on relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and muscle relaxation. occupational therapists may also recommend changes to the patient's work or home environment, such as getting more support from co-workers or seek a less stressful job. Occupational therapists typically work with patients for several weeks or months to help them manage more effectively.


One of the most common conditions that a mental health OT would help treat is major depressive disorder. Occupational therapists work with depressed patients to help them regain a sense of purpose and enjoyment in life. This may involve helping the patient find a new hobby or job, or teaching the patient how to better manage their time and environment. We also help patients develop positive coping behaviours for dealing with mood and emotions. By working with an occupational therapist, people with depressive disorders can begin to lead happier, more fulfilled lives.

Mental health settings

Mental health OTs work in a wide range of settings including hospitals, the community and within other medical services in every Australian state.

In addition to medical and community care, in Australia we are able to provide a number of services with medicare funding for chronic conditions and the better access to mental health scheme. OTs also work with other health professionals in hospitals to assist with discharge preparedness.

How to find a mental health occupational therapist

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