DBT in Perth: A Guide to Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping individuals manage intense emotions, develop healthy relationships, and improve overall well-being. DBT has become increasingly popular in Perth, with several clinics and private therapists offering this treatment. In this article, we'll explore what DBT is, how it can help with mental health issues, and how to find qualified therapists in Perth.

What is DBT?

DBT was developed by psychologist Marsha Linehan in the 1980s as a treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD), a mental health condition characterised by intense emotions, unstable relationships, and impulsive behaviour. DBT is based on a dialectical approach, which means it emphasises the importance of balancing opposing viewpoints and finding middle ground. DBT therapy incorporates several key principles, including:

  • Mindfulness: learning to be aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the present moment without judgment

  • Distress tolerance: developing skills to cope with intense emotions and distressing situations without making things worse

  • Emotion regulation: learning to identify, understand, and manage one's emotions effectively

  • Interpersonal effectiveness: developing skills to communicate assertively, set boundaries, and maintain healthy relationships

DBT is often used to treat a range of mental health conditions, including BPD, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), eating disorders, and substance abuse.

DBT is a type of CBT. If you want to know more, this article breaks it down: CBT vs DBT: Understanding the Key Differences.

DBT Therapy in Perth

Perth offers several options for DBT therapy, including clinics and private therapists. The cost of DBT therapy varies depending on the provider and type of treatment, but it can be expensive. However, some clinics offer bulk-billed sessions for eligible individuals, and private health insurance may cover some or all of the costs.

Finding a qualified DBT therapist in Perth is important to ensure effective treatment. DBT therapists should have specific training and qualifications in this type of therapy, such as completion of a DBT Intensive Training program. The Australian DBT Institute offers a directory of certified DBT therapists in Australia, including several in Perth. It's also important to choose a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and trust, as a good therapeutic relationship is crucial to successful treatment outcomes.

DBT Program and Techniques

DBT therapy typically involves a combination of individual therapy sessions and group therapy sessions. In individual therapy, the therapist works one-on-one with the client to address specific issues and develop personalised treatment goals. In group therapy, clients learn and practise DBT skills with others who are also undergoing DBT therapy. Group therapy can provide a sense of community and support, and can help individuals develop social skills and learn from others' experiences.

DBT therapy uses several techniques to help clients manage intense emotions and develop healthy relationships. Some of these techniques include:

  • Mindfulness exercises, such as breathing and body scan meditation, to help clients stay present and focused in the moment

  • Behavioural chain analysis, which involves examining the sequence of events and emotions that led to a problematic behavior, in order to identify patterns and triggers

  • Validation, which involves acknowledging and accepting the client's emotions and experiences without judgment

  • Homework assignments, which encourage clients to practise DBT skills outside of therapy sessions and apply them to real-life situations

DBT and Mental Health

Research has shown that DBT therapy can be an effective treatment for a range of mental health issues. One study found that DBT was effective in reducing suicidal behaviour and hospitalisation rates in individuals with BPD. Another study found that DBT therapy was effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety in individuals with mood disorders. DBT therapy has also been shown to be effective in treating PTSD and substance abuse.

While DBT can be beneficial for many individuals, it's important to note that it may not be the best option for everyone. DBT therapy requires a significant commitment of time and effort, and some individuals may not be ready or willing to engage in the process. Additionally, DBT may not be effective for individuals in crisis or those with severe mental health issues or those who are not able to engage in therapy due to external factors, such as financial or logistical barriers.


DBT is a promising treatment option for individuals struggling with intense emotions, relationship issues, and other mental health conditions. Perth offers several options for DBT therapy, including clinics and private therapists. When choosing a DBT therapist, it's important to find someone who is qualified and with whom you feel comfortable. While DBT therapy can be effective, it may not be the best option for everyone and it's important to weigh the potential benefits and limitations of this treatment.


CBT vs DBT: Understanding the Key Differences


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Definition, Techniques, and Evidence